What are the Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

hormone balance
February 1, 2024

Are you tired of not feeling like yourself and want to get some answers about finding relief from your symptoms? We have been helping patients get back to feeling their best with hormone replacement therapy for years. So now we wanted to share some insight about this particular treatment option for those considering BHRT. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy!

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

You may be wondering what the difference is between traditional hormone therapies and bioidentical hormone treatment. Simply put, bioidentical hormones are plant-based and chemically made with the same structure as your body’s natural hormones. Synthetic hormones, however, are typically made from pregnant horse urine, so bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers a more natural, holistic method that is just as effective.

Hormone therapy has been a beneficial treatment option for both men and women suffering from a hormonal imbalance. It can be prepared in a variety of forms, including pellets, injections, and gels, as well as formulated in specific dosage strengths for maximum absorption and efficacy. So what are the specific benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy? Here is a breakdown of potential positive effects on women’s and men’s health:

Benefits of BHRT for Women

  • Strengthen libido
  • Support better sleep
  • Improve mood and energy levels
  • Provide relief from menopausal hot flashes and night sweats
  • Support mental clarity, concentration, and memory

Benefits of BHRT for Men

Hormone replacement is not just for women; men too can struggle with hormones, from low testosterone as a result of the natural aging process to erectile dysfunction regardless of age. BHRT for men can:

  • Boost sex drive and performance
  • Increase energy levels
  • Encourage fat-burning and muscle mass
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy at Revolution Health & Wellness

holistic health consultation

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is just one of many areas of specialization offered at our functional medicine health center. We go beyond traditional medical practices and instead take a more holistic approach; our certified healthcare professionals have years of expertise concerning men's and women’s health, from cardiovascular and metabolic health to hormones and sexual health.

During an initial consultation, we will dive into your medical history, listen to your concerns, ask about your symptoms, and do thorough lab testing before forming a comprehensive treatment plan. Suppose you are suffering from unexplained symptoms, chronic fatigue, or just feel off. In that case, we can help you uncover the underlying issues and determine whether hormone therapy could be the right option for you.

Now you know about some of the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy! Are you ready to feel like yourself again? Get in touch with our Oklahoma functional medicine clinic about our BHRT services to get started on your personal health journey today!

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