GI Protect

March 2, 2013

GI Protect

The basic functions of immunoglobulins are the neutralization and opsonization of bacteria, viruses and other environmental pathogens. Unlike antibiotics, they allow the immune system to differentiate pathogens from the body’s normal microflora.*

The transfer of immunity through oral supplementation is a natural, logical and effective process for obtaining immunity. In adults, the concentration of immunoglobulin in the digestive tract and on mucosal surfaces predicts the risk of infection.*

Almost 80% of all pathogens enter the body either through mucosal tissue or stay localized on mucosal surfaces. Each day the G.I. tract immune cells produce about 5 grams of immunoglobulins. However, during times of stress there is significantly reduced secretion. Supplemental immunoglobulins act first in the intestinal tract to eliminate or inhibit the proliferation of disease-causing organisms and toxins. This reduces the stimulation of the immune response in the gut so that the body’s resources can be redirected toward challenges elsewhere.*

Many of the studies on immunoglobulins involving immune challenge have been animal rather than human studies because of the expense and difficulty using human subjects. Studies have shown oral immuno-protein supplementation restores appetite,[7] reduces inflammation[8,9,11] and promotes improved protein metabolism under immunological stress.[10,13] Oral supplementation has been shown to preserve gut wall integrity and provide intestinal humoral immunity.[6] Extrapolated data from a human clinical trial on IBS demonstrated sufferers could experience 35 extra IBS symptom-free days annually.*[14]

Transferrin, a family of iron-binding, bacteriostatic proteins regulate and reduce the amount of free iron available to the invading pathogen.*

Growth Factors in proper combination are thought to play an important role in digestive health and nutrient utilization. Those in Immune Support are similar to the level and balance found in healthy individuals. TGF-ß and IGF-I are involved in the restitution of cells damaged in the digestive tract. An increase in the level of IGF-I in serum has been associated with increases in lean tissue mass and greater protein efficiency.[13] TGF-ß is known to stimulate the secretion of IgA.*

L-Glutamine, the most abundant free form amino acid in the body, is very important for maintaining gastrointestinal and stimulated immune cell functioning. It is an important transporter of nitrogen (and carbon) in the body and therefore, is vital in wound healing. Although glutamine can be synthesized by the intestinal mucosa, during periods of physiological stress when needs can not likely be met by the body alone gut epithelia.*

Revolution Health & Wellness Clinic Supplements FDA Statement

GI Max Supplement Facts (Wild Cherry)

GI Max Supplement Facts (peach)


Briskly stir one scoop (10.4 grams) into at least 8 oz of chilled water and consume twice daily, unless otherwise directed.


  1. Ungar, BLP, Ward, DJ, Fayer, R, Quinn, CA. Cessation of Cryptosporidium-associated diarrhea in an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patient after treatment with hyperimmune bovine colostrum. Gastroenterol. 1990;98: 486
  2. Weiner, C, Pan, Q, Hurtig, M, Boren, T, Boswick, E, Hammarstom, L. Passive immunity against human pathogens using bovine antibodies. Clin Exp. Immunol. 116:193-205
  3. Hammarstrom V, Smith CI, Hammarstrom L. Oral immunoglobulin treatment in Campylobacter jejuni enteritis. The Lancet 1993; 341:1036
  4. Korhonen H, Syvaoja EL, Aloha-Luttila H et al. Bactericidal effect of bovine normal and immune serum, colostrums and milk against Heliobacter pylori. J Appl Bacteriol. 1195;78:655-662
  5. Bacteriostasis of Escherichia coli by bovine lactoferrin, transferring and immunoglobulins (IgG1, IgG2, IgM) acting alone or in combination. Vet.Microbiol. 1986;11:103-15
  6. Dickinson EC, Gorga JC, Garrett M et al. Immunoglobulin A supplementation abrogates bacterial translocation and preserves the architecture of the intestinal epithelium. Surgery 1998;124:284-90
  7. Kats LJ, Nelssen JL, Tokach MD, Goodband RD, Hansen JA, Laurin JL. The effect of spray-dried porcine plasma on growth performance in the early-weaned pig. J Anim.Sci 1994;72:2075-81
  8. Tjellstrom B, Stenhannar L, Magnusson KE, Sundqvist T. Oral Immunoglobulin treatment in Chrohn’s Disease. Acta Pediatr 1997; 86:221-3
  9. Pierce, JL, et al. Spray-dried plasma protein globulin for early weaned pigs. J Animal Sci 74 (Supp 1):258
  10. Thompson JE, et al. Effect of spray-dried porcine plasma protein on feed intake, growth rate and efficiency of gain in mice. J Anim Sci 1994; 72:2690-5
  11. Wolf HM, Eibl MM. The anti-inflammatory effect of an oral immunoglobulin (IgA-IgG) preparation and its possible relevance for the prevention of necrotizing entercolitis. Acta Pediatr Suppl 1994;396:37-40
  12. Antonio J, Sanders MS, Van Gammeren D. The effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women. Nutrition 2001.Mar.;17(3):243-7
  13. Jiang R, Chang X, Stoll B, et al. Dietary plasma protein is used more efficiently than extruded soy protein for lean tissue growth in early-weaned pigs. J Nutr 2000;130:2016-9
  14. Weaver et al., The Effects of Bovine Ig Isolate on Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial. Unpublished. 2005
  15. Earnest C, Weaver, E. The effect of bovine serum immunoglobulin on cholesterol indices in participants with hypercholesterolemia. Am J Clin Nutr 2005:81:4 p 792
  16. L-Glutamine. {accessed 3.19.08}

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